Accessible Madrid: Responsive web design

Accessible Madrid: Responsive web design

At Accessible Madrid we are happy an proud to announce to our clients the release of our new Responsive and Accessible Web Design for

Accessibility (both physical and virtual) is very important for us, because it is a key aspect for our clients. We have invested time, money and resources to make web access much more easier for our clients, regardless of the device used. We made sure that all resources used on our website fill with decree No. 355/2013 regulated by law No. 26,653 of web accessibility for people with disabilities.

Accessibility is an important issue in web design. Every individual using the internet has the right to access same information on the web and to have a positive and equal experience. Accessible design is about enabling access for every user, regardless of disability and technology. In a similar way, responsive web design also aims to broaden access to information, shifting design focus beyond the ?normal? desktop experience to ensure availability across an ever expanding multitude of devices. Both accessible design and responsive design provide a flexibility that helps to make the web work for everyone.

We aim to respect the design of Web pages, the standards and requirements for accessibility of information to facilitate access to their contents, to all people with disabilities in order to guarantee real equality of opportunity and treatment, avoiding all forms of discrimination .

It is important to be conscious that every design decision has the potential to include or exclude someone. Even something as small as deciding the colour of text has the potential to make that text difficult to read for a large group of users. Designers should think ?inclusively? and consider how a person with a disability would navigate and interact with a site?s content. Retro-fitting accessibility can be time consuming and costly, designing responsively and implementing progressive enhancement techniques can help to avoid this.

There will always be accessibility issues that require attention, such as colour contrast, visual hierarchy and readability but responsive design forces you to focus on the core foundations ? content and hierarchy ? and get that right. That in itself is a big step towards making an accessible site.

We would like to thank the team of Weeduu our Digital Marketing Agency partners, for doing such a great job.