19th FotoPres "La Caixa". Beyond the limits

19th FotoPres "La Caixa". Beyond the limits

With nearly three decades under its belt, the veteran FotoPres "La Caixa"competition makes its debut at CaixaForum Madrid. Through ten documentary image projects, the joint collection seeks social aspects from different parts of the world from perspectives that go beyond the limits of documentary photography.

The projects in this nineteenth edition, which are shown here for the first time, address different aspects of contemporary society - territory, peripheries, identity, violence or frontiers -, using formats that go beyond the traditional image and include the video, documentation, installation and interaction with the social networks.

The selected artists are Arnau Blanch, Rebecka Bíró and Victoria Montero, Jon Cazenave, the group formed by Borja Larrondo, Pablo López-Learte and Diego Sánchez, El Cíclope Mecánico, Gerardo Custance, Mattia Insolera, Sebastián Liste, David Mocha and the NOPHOTO group.

Over thirty years ago, the "La Caixa" Foundation called the first FotoPres "La Caixa" competition, which has become an international reference in the field of documentary photography.


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19th FotoPres "La Caixa" at CaixaForum Madrid

From March 10 - June 7 2015

Caixa Forum Madrid. Paseo del Prado, 36 28014 Madrid

Tel.: +3491 330 73 00.

Price: Free

Opening hours: Mon-Sun: 10am ? 8pm