Priscilla, Queen of the Desert. The Musical. Madrid.

Priscilla, Queen of the Desert. The Musical. Madrid.

Produce Som presents the musical Priscilla, Queen of the Desert in New Alcalá (Madrid) Theatre on October 2, 2014, with the famous Angel Llàcer as artistic director.

Based on the film 'The Adventures of Priscilla, Queen of the Desert', written and directed by Stephan Elliott. The film won an Oscar in 1994 for Best Costume Design. To write the script Elliot musical was assisted by Allan Scott. The soundtrack consists of pop hits of 80-90. Priscilla Queen of the Desert, the musical tells the story of two drag queens and a transgender woman, who hire for a drag show at a resort in Alice Springs, a resort town in the Australian Outback. As they head west from Sydney aboard their pink bus, Priscilla, and his three friends three friends along the way they encounter a series of strange characters and incidents of homophobia.

Up to twenty different scenes, 40 artists, 500 costumes, 200 wigs spectacular, compelling choreography and a bus the actual size of fully robotic 10 tons of weight. The musical features a full program for a fun and memorable experience.

El Nuevo Teatro Alcalá offers facilities to make your visit more enjoyable and accessible. Barrier-free access for wheelchair users and people with mobility scooters. There are 4 seats blocked for users in wheelchairs. There are ramps and an elevator. Please call the theater in advance to let them know of your disability. The theater will reserve a seat right in front of the stage, so you can perfectly see the show.

If you have mobility issues and want to see this wonderful show, you can hire your electric scooter in Madrid at Accessible Madrid . This company offers a home delivery service for electric scooter rentals in Madrid. If you are a disabled traveler, and you will be visiting Madrid, Madrid contact Accessible Madrid ( We are happy to help you with your accessible holidays in Madrid. Try our wide range of accessible services (transfers adapted van, accessible tours in Madrid, etc). We also offer tours and excursions at reasonable extent Toledo, Segovia, Salamanca, etc, always departing from Madrid. electric mobility scooters sales Madrid also available.

Priscilla Queen of the Desert

Teatro Nuevo Alcalá

C / Jorge Juan 62, Madrid

34 914 35 34 03

From 03/10/2014 to 30/11/2014

- Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday: 20: 30h.

- Friday and Saturday: 18:00 to 22: 00h.

- Sunday: 18: 00h

Tickets and more information: